Do I Need an Attorney for Long Term Disability?

Living with a long-term disability is difficult. The physical pain, discomfort, and debilitation is the hardest thing to cope with. Getting the proper financial support you need to live and to manage your condition is also a struggle.
If you have long-term disability insurance through your company or union, it is often subject to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act also known as ERISA. This is a federal law that governs the benefits provided by private sector employees.
The Insurance Company Will Put Up a Fight
The reticence of insurance companies to provide their clients with the financial support and compensation they require is what prompted the passage of ERISA in the first place.
They will scrutinize your medical condition. You can only qualify for disability benefits if your medical condition involves an actual impairment that prevents you from working. The insurance company will aggressively perform a medical and vocational analysis to determine whether you meet this legal definition.
When you apply for disability benefits, the insurance company will investigate your claim. Their investigation will focus on your condition and your work background. You will be required to fill out a range of questionnaires and forms, which you should always answer honestly and carefully. The insurance company will also review your medical records and may compel you to be examined by their own physician.
You Need a Lawyer
You should retain the services of a lawyer when submitting a claim for long-term disability benefits. It is the only way to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. The long-term disability lawyer at the Law Offices of George M. Thompson can provide you with the advice and insight you need to get the money you are entitled to. You should call our long-term disability lawyer at the Law Offices of George M. Thompson today to review your options.
Getting A Lawyer For Life Insurance Claims
Life insurance is an important benefit to have when someone you love passes away. You will be preoccupied with your grief and with figuring out a way to carry on now that this person has passed. Thus, it is best to have life insurance to help take away some of the financial strain that goes along with this event.
Anyone who comes to the law offices of George M. Thompson regarding their life insurance being denied will receive the utmost of representation and respect. The law firm is prepared to go to battle for you to make sure any injustice of a denial is corrected.